Peabody Recreation, Parks & Forestry
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Summer Outdoor Adventures at Brooksby Farm Register View Cart

Welcome to the Summer Outdoor Adventures at Brooksby Farm! 

A quality summer experience is much more than running around outdoors and going home's a chance for your child to discover new adventures, grow personally, make new friends and memories, in a fun and safe environment.
 We strive to give your child the best experience! 

Each session is devoted to the assigned theme and participants will complete different crafts, activities, games, and challenges related to th theme each day. Other parts of the day will be spent doing activities that may include, but not limited to: orienteering/hiking, team building, archery, fishing and more!

Session 1: June 30-July 3: Stars and Stripes (no program on 7/4) 
No Field Trip this session.

Session 2: July 7- July 11: Adventure through Time
Field Trip:
Harvard Museum of Natural History

Session 3: July 14 - July 18: Drenched in Fun

Field Trip: Foote Brothers Canoeing

Session 4: July 21 - July 25*: Campfire Chronicles
Field Trip: Singing Beach
Overnight Wednesday, July 23
Inclement Weather Overnight Date: Thursday, July 24

*Swim Test Required

Session 5: July 28 - August 1: Ancient Earth
Field Trip: Tree Top Adventures

Session 6: August 4- August 8*: Wildlife Warriors
Field Trip: Singing Beach
Overnight Thursday, August 7
*Swim Test Required

Session 7: August 11 - August 15: The Great Outdoor Olympics
Field Trip: COLOR WARS


*All participants in those sessions are invited to participate. 3 pm or 8pm pick-up if they choose not to stay for the  overnight!

SWIM TEST INFO: Click HERE for the Swim test form
For all field trips to bodies of water, your child must complete a swim test ahead of time OR wear a life jacket the entire time. All participants in sessions 4 & 6 will need to complete a swim test prior to attending their water based field trips.

We partner
 with the Torigian Family YMCA and set up the following swim testing dates to be held at 259 Lynnfield St, Peabody, MA 01960: 
Sunday, March 16th, 4-5pm
Saturday, March 29th, 4-5pm
Friday, April 18th, 4-5pm
Thursday, April 24th, 1-2pm
Saturday, May 3rd, 4-5pm
Sunday, May 25th, 4-5pm
Tuesday, June 3rd, 3pm-4pm
Sunday, June 8th, 1-2pm
Saturday, June 22nd, 4-5pm

Please be sure to bring a copy of your receipt as well as the swim test form for the YMCA staff to fill out. They will not have any of these forms on hand.

If there is inclement weather throughout the day, we may go to the Peabody Veterans Memorial High School until the inclement weather passes. We will try to stay outside as much as possible. We try to give as much notice of change in location as possible.
All information about location changes will be communicated through email or text alerts. 

Inclusion Support
If your child has diverse abilities, and you think your child would benefit from receiving support in this program from an inclusion specialist, please register for inclusion support as well, filling out all forms in as much detail as possible. Please note, this registration is not a separate program, but it is your way of asking our department for support services. We will do our best to support as many children as possible.

Additional Information
This information is also available on our website under General Info/Department Info 
-For the parent handbook, please click HERE 
-For the participant handbook, please click HERE (NEED TO ADD THIS)

-For payment, scholarship, and refund information, please click HERE


Summer Outdoor Adventures @ Brooksby Farm
Please note: Weeks with an overnight have an additional $15 fee.
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  Registration Unavailable
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Summer Outdoor Adventures 
N/A 2 - 7 MTuWThF  06/30/2025 - 08/15/2025
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Brooksby Farm Field
See Options

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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